Punk x Ballet Russes ● Low Art x High Art ● MoMu Library x FATE
In March, you have the unique opportunity to discover the Punk Special Collection and the Ballet Russes Special Collection from the FATE® archive in the MoMu Library.
Visitor information
From 11 through 21 March 2025Duration
1,5 hoursLanguages
Dutch & EnglishFor whom
Secondary educationPractical information
- Max. 25 students per session
- Free offer
In March, you have the unique opportunity to discover the Punk Special Collection and the Ballet Russes Special Collection from the FATE® Fashion And Textiles Education Archive in the MoMu Library. The FATE® team will guide you through both collections with a clothing analysis session focused on material culture: clothing and textiles. This session will teach you to look at clothing in a new way and can be integrated into lessons on history, costume design, English, and more.
These interactive sessions are led by the FATE® team from London (in English or Dutch). They offer your students the chance to express themselves in English and expand their vocabulary. No prior knowledge of the subject is required; the emphasis is on dialogue and analysis of the methodology around material culture. After a session, teachers can request a lesson pack about these collections via publiek@momu.be to continue working with it in the classroom.