Two children joyfully playing with colorful dice on the floor.

MoMu Game

A fascinating journey through the "life story" of a design for primary education.

Visitor information

  • Tickets

  • When

  • Duration

    2 hours
  • Languages

  • For whom

    Primary education
  • Practical information

    • Monday to Friday between 10 AM - 12 AM and 1 PM - 3 PM
    • Maximum 1 class group of maximum 25 students
    • €145 per guide (including €5 administration costs)

This board game introduces pupils to the different steps of the design process in a fun way, including interaction to stimulate their creativity.

All garments found in shops are the end result of a long process. ‘From design to garment’ is a fascinating journey that we will make together during this game.

The pupils will learn how to create designs in a fun way. It all starts with their inspiration as designers. They have to transform their ideas and sketches step by step into a finished product. In doing so, they go through various phases, each of which contributes to the further development of their designs. The ‘life story’ of any design is a fascinating journey through the fashion world.

  • different children who are playing the game
    MoMu Antwerp | Monica Ho
  • detail of the game, different tiles on the ground with dice and pawn
    MoMu Antwerp | Monica Ho
  • detail of the game, tile and pawn
    MoMu Antwerp | Monica Ho

In just two hours, they will have completed all the phases, from idea to finished garment. The game has four sections. You can associate each of the sections with the following verbs:

  • Inspiration: thinking, looking, searching, travelling, dreaming, etc.
  • Design: drawing, choosing, draping, drawing patterns, etc.
  • Production: fitting, sewing, stitching, finishing, etc.
  • Post-production: displaying, modelling, taking photographs, selling, etc.

This game is suitable for pupils from the second to the sixth year and OKAN classes (reception classes for non-Dutch speaking newcomers).

It can be linked to various school projects, including fashion, materials, designers, sustainability and economy.

MoMu Antwerp | Dennis Ravays


Questions about the MoMu Game? Get in touch.