Lesson pack sustainable fashion: Clean Clothes
All kinds of assignments for secondary schools about the impact of the clothes you wear.
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What impact does clothing have on our lives and our planet? We can analyse our behaviour with respect to clothing in a comprenesible way and brainstorm ways of doing things better. This lesson pack is created to give extra tools to take or continue to take positive action.
Did you know that less than 1% of all new clothing is recycled?
Each of the four chapters in the pack – focusing on everything from fast fashion to "closing the loop" – contains tips, challenges and examples teachers can use as sources of inspiration.
The entire lesson pack is user-friendly and ends with a handy list of sources with links to more videos, websites and materials from various organisations to keep the conversation going.
The lesson pack puts the spotlight not only on Belgian designers but also on young talented designers who thematically integrate environmental issues into their collections.

In addition to this, the lesson pack establishes links to pieces from the permanent MoMu Collection and archive images from the MoMu Library, including several revolutionary ‘upcycling’ designs by Martin Margiela as a prime example. Moreover, teachers can rely on expert input by requesting an in-class workshop led by a MoMu guide.
We aim to encourage young people to carefully consider their purchases. We assume that many of them already take a conscientious approach to clothing or are looking for creative ways of doing even better. We want to give them extra tools to take or continue to take positive action and motivate them to reflect on purchasing habits and their consequences.
Do you have questions about the lesson pack? Get in touch.