The Language of Fashion: What does clothing say about me?
An interactive walk through the city for foreign-language newcomers from NT2 and OKAN classes.
Visitor information
1 hourLanguages
DutchFor whom
NT2, OKANPractical information
- Tuesday to Sunday from 10 AM - 6 PM
- Maximum 20 students per guide
- €145 per guide (including €5 administration costs)
This walk starts in the MoMu entrance hall en and takes place in the city. This does not include a guided tour of the museum.
Lesson pack The Language of Fashion
Do you teach foreign-language newcomers and are you looking for a cultural activity with lots of practice opportunities?
- For NT2 schools and conversation groups for foreign-language newcomers from language level 1.1 achieved;
- This tour is suitable for OKAN.
During this varied, interactive walk we talk to each other and engage in dialogue. We get to know the city, we learn about fashion and about different cultures. The identity of the participants is central. Using a number of conversation starters, we talk about ourselves as a person, our dual culture and the associations at the stops we make at the various showcases. This special practice opportunity can be adapted to everyone's level.
The guide uses the the VTS technique - Visual Thinking Strategies. Through this method we look at art together, experience is not necessary. The guide asks students questions that help them observe more closely and share what they see. In this way, everyone actively participates in the conversation. The tour is very accessible and tailored to the students. There are no wrong answers!
This tour was developed in collaboration with NT2 teachers and Atlas, Integration & Integration Antwerp.