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Meet the MoMu Team

Bas Verrept

Anyone who visits the museum is bound to meet one of these faces. All of them dedicate themselves equally enthusiastically to making every visit a unique experience.

Felix Luyckx, MoMu Shop

MoMu Shop employee Felix Luyckx in front of the register at MoMu Shop
Felix Luyckx
Bas Verrept

FELIX LUYCKX: "When I saw the vacancy for this student job in 2021, I knew immediately that I would feel at home here. I really like that I can combine this job with my studies in Fashion Design. I would be less eager to work in a completely different world from my field of interest. Not that I always wanted to work in the fashion world. As a child, I wasn't into that at all, although fashion is in my family's DNA. My mum sews a lot and my grandma even worked for Raf Simons. It wasn't until I was 16 or 17 that I suddenly became very fascinated by fashion and that interest hasn't gone away. That's why I can answer most visitors' questions. As a point of contact, that is definitely an advantage. It's also nice that so many different people come here, from tourists from Japan to students from the Fashion Department on the top floor of the building. I also have very pleasant conversations with the colleagues at the welcome desk."

Karl Kana, Event Manager

Event Manager Karl Kana sitting in the MoMu Auditorium
Karl Kana
Bas Verrept

KARL KANA: "Even in high school, I was organising events and parties. My passion for event planning evolved from an event I organised with friends for charity. With Nightwatch, a youth project by FOMU, I got my first start in the art world in 2019. That museum takeover was a totally different experience and it ignited a spark in me. After studying Marketing, I worked as a production assistant for various art institutions. That's how I eventually ended up at MoMu. It's not like I am the biggest fashionista, but I am interested in fashion and pay attention to what I buy and wear. What I like most about my work is how relaxed the events here are. In nightlife and festivals, you face more unexpected situations because visitors let themselves go more easily."

An Teyssen, Hospitality Manager

Hospitality Manager An Teyssen in front of the welcome desk at MoMu - Fashion Museum Antwerp
An Teyssen
Bas Verrept

"In my job, all my passions come together. I really enjoy working with and for people and have a heart for art. I often tell colleagues that being hospitable is a calling. One I share with my hospitality team, Maaike, Kristel and Veronique, and with our student workers. Together we accommodate the visitors. You have to welcome the 200th visitor as enthusiastically as the first. You also have to have a good sense of who you have in front of you. Some people quickly visit the museum during their lunch break and don't want to waste too much time. Others have been looking forward to their visit for weeks and want to have a chat first."

"Hospitality lies in the smallest details. For instance, we provide a wheelchair or folding chairs, but also free lockers or filtered drinking water. Together with the facility team and the heritage guards, we make sure that everything stays tidy and runs smoothly and safely. As terrific as our exhibitions may be, if the interaction with the staff is not pleasant, it might have an impact on the visit as a whole."

Anna Biermans & Laurinde Niesthoven, MoMu Café

MoMu Café managers Laurinde Niesthoven and Anna Biermans behind the counter of MoMu Café
Left: Laurinde Niesthoven | Right: Anna Biermans
Bas Verrept

ANNA BIERMANS: "MoMu Café is anything but an average restaurant and that's what I like about it. Because of its location, we welcome an interesting mix of people here. From tourists who wrap up their museum visit with lunch or a coffee to local residents whose faces and names I'm starting to know by heart. Some of them even tell me in advance what they will order! It often happens that well-known fashion designers or photographers drop by. I'm not that familiar with the fashion world, so I usually don't recognise them. I think they appreciate the fact that I'm not starstruck. That's what we aim to do at the café: create a welcoming space where people have a good time."

LAURINDE NIESTHOVEN: "Indeed, we mainly want to create a personal and homely environment within the museum. What I also really like is that all the food here is plant-based, but that we don't necessarily advertise it as such. It's great that we are doing something good for the planet without showing off."

Interested in the offer at MoMu Shop, the menu at MoMu Café or one of our upcoming activities? Click the links to learn more.