Seminar & Workshop Museum Monitoring Tool

MoMu hosts a seminar and workshop concerning the MuMo-project, an open source datalog system for museums.

Visitor information

  • When

    , from to
  • For whom


  • Languages

  • Price

    € 60 (incl. lunch / datalogger)

  • Max. number of participants


The importance of logging your climate data as an heritage institution can hardly be overestimated. But hardware and software licenses are often quite expensive, and what is to be done with your data afterwards? These are all issues where the MuMo project (Museum Monitoring Tool) hopes to provide an answer. MoMu, Imec & Faro worked together to build an open source solution for datalogging that creates ‘linked open data’ from your climate control measurements.

At the end of the day, you will receive your own datalogger, configured for use at your institution.

The program for this seminar is in Dutch only.


9.30u Registratie / koffie

10u Inhoudelijk/plenair deel

  • Intro (Bram Wiercx - FARO)

  • Van prototype naar product (Dieter Suls - MoMu)
    • voortraject

    • project CE / opzet

    • open design / user centered / design thinking

    • use cases / partners

  • Museum Monitoring Tool (Pascal Roobrouck - Strooom / MoMu)
    • Hard- & firmware MuMo Node

    • LORAWAN & Gateway

  • Bouwen van een dashboard dmv MuMo-dataspace (Tobias Hendrickx - MoMu / Arthur Vercuysse & Ben De Meester - Imec)
    • The Things Network

    • Linked Datamodel (OSLO)

    • LDES

    • SOLID

    • Dashboard

    • integraties

  • Q&A

12u LUNCH @MoMuCafé

13u Workshop/demo: Hoe installeer en gebruik ik MuMo? (2 groepen van ca. 10/12 deelnemers)

  • assemblage / installatie firmware node

  • gateway installatie

  • aanmaken TTN profiel / SOLID profiel

  • solid user profiel aanmaken & configureren

  • dashboard (configureren)

  • (demo kalibratie / instellen dashboard)

  • demo mogelijkheden dashboard...

15.30u Koffie break

16u Afsluiting: Plenair

  • What's next... (groepsbestelling? verder ontwikkeling? volgende fases)

  • Github documentatie: how to deploy your system from github…

  • Feedback / Evaluatie (Mentimeter)

16.30u Drankje & netwerkmoment